Our Cattery Pens
We are licensed to board up to 60 cats at any one time.
All of our cat pens offer dual level accommodation. This provides your cat with options for where they wish to sleep. It is also very beneficial for elderly cats who would be unable to manage the climb which take the cats to the upper levels.
What we offer:

Our cat housing is insulated and heated to ensure they are warm and comfortable during the winter months.

Each cat will be provided daily with fresh water and fresh litter.

We also provide toys, scratching posts and blankets suitable for use on the soft beds provided.

The cats are fed twice daily or as instructed by the owner. If your cat is a little fussy we also offer tuna as an option.

We ask that owners supply their own food from home.

We are able to administer all medications. Medication record charts are kept which are signed as and when medications are administered by the staff member.

Regularly monitored
The cats are regularly monitored, given attention and brushed as needed. We only house same household cats together or we can house same household cats in adjoining pens at your request.